
Showing posts from August, 2013

No bake sugar free and dairy free energy carob ladoos

Ladoos are round sweet balls; they are a popular Indian dessert. This weekend for my food experiment, I tried making sugar free and dairy free energy ladoos. Unlike any desi (slang for Indian) ladoos, they are inspired by protein/energy bites which is something very prevalent in the US. This experiment was way different from my past experiments where I'd been using authentic Indian recipes and ingredients. However, given that this recipe has ingredients with all sorts of goodness and the fact that it was super easy, it was hard to forego it. Also, it gave me a chance to learn about carob, something that I've always been curious about. For this recipe I used Suspire's Vegan Carobs Chips. Carob is basically similar to chocolate, just like chocolate it does not have any unsaturated or trans fats. However, its texture and flavor is a bit different from that of chocolate. Carobs are naturally sweeter or rather less bitter than chocolate which makes it sometimes a preferable s...