
Showing posts from January, 2014

For the love of Yoga and Kids

I have a lot of dreams...some small some big. I often think about my dreams just to cherish and relish them, it's like meditation, where I envision myself living that dream and in that process forget about everything else. Well, you can say that I am a day-dreamer, but what's the harm in that?! Going back to the dream, this one dream is about being a yoga instructor for kids. I love both yoga and kids and have some kind of inherent passion in both these things that motivates me to pursue this dream. The thought sparked when I was at my parent's house in India with my sister and my nieces. One of the days, I felt like doing some stretching as my muscles were stiff by sitting and staring at the computer screen the whole day. So, I'd put on some music on my laptop and started doing yoga exercises. My nieces were in the other room, after a minute or so they both entered my room and were looking curiously at what was going on. They both stood in one corner and watched m...
Recently came across this piece and realized how well I could relate to it. Clearly, I am a morning person:) Why 4 a.m. Is the Best Time to Work For me, the most precious commodity in business is time. And I find I am most productive when I balance time that I spend with others with blocks of time during which I can think, write and —my favorite — build earnings models. When I was in corporate America, I tried for awhile to schedule no meetings on a couple of Fridays every month, thereby giving myself the luxury of blocks of time to think. It worked ... sort of. But I had one significant problem: email. Some people can ignore email, but I have never formed the discipline of not checking email repeatedly and obsessively during the course of the day. It appears that I am addicted to the rush of endorphins that occurs when one receives a batch of emails, which I guess is better than being addicted to other things. So now I work when others sleep. I am never more productive tha...

Looking for Lakshmi

           I am an ardent fan of Nagesh Kuknoor. He is one of the most talented directors in the Indian cinema industry. Unlike other mainstream bollywood movies, his movies are low budget and low key, they have a very strong social message but at the same time there is something about Kuknoor that makes his movies very impactful, it leaves a remarkable impression on the viewer's mind. One good thing about his movies is that although he picks on the most sensitive issues, his movies always end on a positive note which gives hope that there will be end to all evils. He is just incredible! We need more people like him in the Indian Cinema.            Here's  the trailer of his latest movie 'Lakshmi' which is based on prostitution and child trafficking, one of the ugliest issues in India. This is a very sensitive issue, it makes me angry every time I think about it,  here's  my blogpost that I wrote long time ...