I returned from India
this summer after spending six months collecting data for my dissertation. My dissertation is on the role of local
institutions in natural resource management. For data collection I was working
in the central Himalayan region where I visited several villages to interview
people about forest management activities that are conducted and coordinated by
the local institution in the region. This local institution is called Van
Panchayat (Forest Committee), it is a traditional institution that dates back
to 1931. Since it was formed before independence (India got its independence in
Aug 1947), it is significant in terms of rights of locals’ to natural resources.
I collaborated with an NGO working in the region that helped me with navigating
remote villages and also with arranging accommodations in the villages. Going
from one village to another was a challenge, as there was lack of proper road
network, driving was near to impossible, but thankfully there were paths/trails
that very intricately connected all the villages. Those trails were very beautiful, they cut
through dense temperate/sub-tropical forests and since I would walk on those
trails on early mornings and evenings, it also gave me chance to spot some
beautiful birds on my way. I used to
walk 7-10miles/day on an average to get to my destination, which was pretty hard
in the beginning, but with time my body adapted. Also, lot of walking helped with keeping the body warm during cold winters. Unlike west, east
experienced one of the coldest winters last year. The houses in the hills in
India don’t have central heating system, they barely receive a continuous 24hr
supply of electricity and water, so people burn wood to keep their houses warm,
and drink lots of ginger tea to keep their bodies warm!

To understand the
dependence of people on the forests, I did a lot of homestays. Staying with local
families was one of the most enriching experience, it gave me a chance to see
firsthand how closely these people’s lives were associated with forests. Also
it was amazing to see how self-depended those people were, they almost grew all
their food, right from grains to cereals to fruit and vegetables and even
spices. Without any outside help, the family members would work together to
manage their fields-it was quite incredible! I got very attached to all the families I’d
lived with, they took very good care of me and always made sure that I was

While I was
conducting field work in India, I also got funding from Environment Change
Institute (University of Oxford) to participate at a conference in London, U.K.
This was a unique opportunity for me to share ideas about my research, talk
about its progress and at the same time get valuable feedback
from experienced researchers/professionals working in the same area. Being my
first time in the UK, this was a great chance for me to also explore parts of
England and Scotland too!
Before I started my field work, I was apprehensive about
going to a strange place and being able to work successfully. But I was
pleasantly surprised by the kind of encouraging response I got from people. I feel thankful to have had the opportunity to
live and work in India amidst the beautiful Himalayas and it’s people-it was
the most rewarding and an inspiring experience. Great trip overall!
This piece also got published in my department's newsletter last year.
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